What would it be like to live according to one voice and not be torn between serving different priorities? What would it be like to live without worrying? What would it be like to trust that God will provide me with all that I need?
Life is difficult - even demanding. We have legitimate concerns - about the world, our families and ourselves. It is not difficult to find reasons to worry.
Today Jesus does not deny this, but rather, invites us to step back and focus on what is most important. How am I called to contribute to the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God? The lilies and birds contribute with their scent and songs, essentially, by being truly themselves. How do I live out this call? What gifts, abilities and opportunities have I been blessed with to help bring about the Kingdom here and now?
Seeing myself as a steward in God's Kingdom is risky. It means living in a state of openness, vulnerability and trust. Jesus knew firsthand that this is not easy. He also knew that if we do embrace such a way of life, God will provide us with all that we need. Even if a mother should somehow forget a nursing child, God will not forget us.
Lord, give me the freedom and courage to orient my life around Your kingdom, around Your call to me.