I find the best time and place for me to pray is in the morning in the chapel where I am to celebrate the Eucharist. Prayer is a meeting with God and I meet Him there in several different ways. He is present in the very air in the chapel, sustaining it in existence. Without it I would die. Similarly he is present in the steel and concrete of the building itself, preserving them from dissolution and non-existence, giving me a place to pray.
On the lectern is a copy of the Bible and there I find Him in a special way conveying to me a message of love, guidance and encouragement. This message empowers me to live and work with Him in the day ahead.
As the people enter the chapel one by one I can see in them Christ present as brother and friend. Later in the celebration of the Eucharist they will be formed into a community, the Body of Christ in this place and this time. After the Eucharist and in it's power I may be drawn to someone who, alone and ill, is Christ for me and a listening world.
Finally I reflect that the awaiting bread, resting on the altar to be consecrated by my words will be transformed into Christ, made bodily present to nourish us for a Christ-like day ahead.
Lord Jesus, living and present in the Eucharist, strengthen us. We beg you to reveal Your many presences to the men and women of the world.