There are five words beginning with the letter "A" in today's Gospel (NAB version). They are: ahead, amazed, afraid, aside, again. Each of the words has something to tell us.
"Ahead". For the third time in less than two chapters Mark stresses that Jesus has now embarked on a decisive stage of his mission from his Father. Jerusalem is the destined place where the salavation of the world is to be won. Jesus leads in order that others will follow and, by so doing, declare their allegiance to him.
"Amazed". Why they are amazed? Could it be that they thought that Jesus was making a very unwise decision and so they did not follow him?
"Afraid". The text continues, "and those who followed were afraid." It is clear that they too were amazed. They were certainly afraid because they sensed danger. Still their growing love for Jesus conquered their fear and amazement.
"Aside" Jesus, the compassionate leader, takes time off to encourage the ones who followed despite their fear. He does not hide the danger but assures them that a victory of incomparable worth for them and the world is certain.
"Again". The third time! Implied in what Jesus says to them is the clear statement he makes in the conversation with James and John that follows. Ambition and a desire for power have no place in Jesus' enterprise. He is a servant who will serve until and through death.
Lord Jesus, teach me what I need to know about being Your friend and follower.