"Listen to the Word of the Lord!" As Scripture frequently does, Isaiah calls us to listen to the Word of the Lord. Listening to God is an important part of our religion. Indeed, the first commandment begins with this call to listen: Listen, Israel! In his great mercy, God has spoken to us in many ways. If we fail to hear the voice of God in one way, we may be able to listen in another way.
God first speaks to us through our conscience. Family life, education, culture, civilization: these contexts of our life do not create conscience, which is a special grace of God; but they do help us to develop sensitive consciences. A well-formed conscience enables us to recognize the difference between good and evil and to strive for holiness.
Beyond the gift of conscience there is the great gift of revealed religion. God spoke through the history of Israel, most especially through the prophets. The word of the Lord endures in every age to guide us in the different circumstances of our lives. Finally, of course, the Word of God became flesh in Jesus. Consequently, for us Christians, "Listen to the Word of the Lord" takes on a new depth of meaning.
Lord, by the wisdom and light of Your word, guide us on our pilgrimage of life with Your unfailing love.