Today Jesus breaks a taboo. He, a Jewish man, initiates conversation with an unknown woman - a Samaritan woman. This unexpected encounter and request for water alludes to the meeting of Elijah and the widow of Sidon (1 Kings 17:10).
The woman is not afraid to converse with Jesus, in fact, she is intrigued by what he says. She discovers a desire in herself for living water. She opens herself to seeing things in the new ways that Jesus is revealing. The conversation eventually touches on the deepest aspects of life: her own identity, how she relates to others and how she relates to God.
She realizes that God is not limited to any one place. Amazingly, the Messiah, for whom people have been waiting, may be standing right in front of her.
The woman's response is to become a witness of the wisdom and truth she has tasted. Her neighbours are intrigued by what she has to share; they too come to know Jesus for themselves. All this began with an unexpected encounter and openness to follow a deep desire.
For what do I thirst? What do I desire most deeply in life? What would happen if I brought these desires to conversation with Christ?
Lord, let me to drink of Your living water.