That those working in communication media may respect the truth, solidarity, and dignity of all people.
The communications media are powerful and influential weapons in today's society. Appropriate use of them can do much good in promoting genuine values and in defending human rights. Inappropriate use is made of them when the media are servile to particular interests, whether economic, political or even religious, if these are biased. In this case, the media do not fulfil their mission of service to the truth and to the common good. There is resort to sensationalism instead of balanced reporting, the image of women and of sexuality is manipulated in advertising, to increase sales truth is distorted to support particular ideologies through lies, information is censored to keep people in ignorance or to promote radical positions. Some of these things are done in liberal societies dominated by the thirst for profit. Others happen more in undemocratic societies which restrict freedom of opinion, which control and combat implacably all communications media which are not controlled by government power. All through history there is a repeated tendency for dictators or dictatorial regimes to censor, sometimes violently, anything which seems to them to be thinking different from their own. Fear and repression take the place of dialogue and freedom.
There are many examples of good journalism, helping to shed light on violent and abusive situations, which would otherwise have been kept in obscurity and impunity. Campaigns in solidarity with groups or regions of the world which are oppressed or struck by catastrophes have helped to alleviate many people's suffering. We praise and encourage journalism committed to truth and justice, not corrupted by powerful interests.
The Pope asks us to pray this month for the workers in the massive communications media. Let us pray that, Christian or non-Christian, they may play their part in building a more just world, with respect for 'truth, solidarity and the dignity of each person.' The fact that the Holy Father has chosen this intention for prayer, in union with the 44th World Day of Social Communications, which is celebrated this month, is a sign of the importance he gives to this subject, and indicates his concern at seeing so many examples of inappropriate management of these media. Let us pray that journalism and the communications media may count on many honest and courageous reporters, at the service of the common good. It would be helpful for schools of journalism to give them a suitable ethical formation in human and spiritual values. Let us pray that we ourselves may know how to communicate with each other simply and truthfully, as Jesus did.