Jonah seeks to get away from the presence of the Lord. Yet, no matter where he goes - the ship, the high seas and even the belly of a fish - God does not leave him. God preserves Jonah's life and so Jonah is eventually able to help the people of Nineveh preserve their lives.
In the Gospel today, the lawyer asks Jesus not about the law, but about eternal life. The story of the Samaritan is surprising. It is not the priest or Levite - two people with significant status in Jewish society - ho do the right thing. Instead, it is a foreigner who shows compassion and faithfulness. He goes out of his way to help someone in need and becomes the unlikely hero in Jesus' story.
What must we do to inherit eternal life? Jesus' words invite us to be instruments of God's love to others no matter what their nationality, race or beliefs. This is not easy; it is often more convenient to make an excuse and keep walking. Jesus invites us to recognize that any person in need is, first of all, another human being. We are invited to respond to that need. We are called to discover that in giving love we receive life.
Lord, help me to recognize the need of my neighbour. Help me to respond with love to even one person in need.