5 Apr
Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14
Ps 115(116): 12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18
1 Cor 11: 23-26
Jn 13: 1-15
(Ps Wk II)
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At every mass during the institution narrative portion of the Eucharistic prayer, the presider repeats the words of Jesus: "... It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven." What is the next line? "Do this in memory of me." What are we supposed to be doing? What do those words mean? What I am supposed to be doing. Are we supposed to be sharing a Jewish Passover meal? Sharing a Christian Agape-love feast? What we are supposed to be doing in remembrance of Jesus?

After Jesus washed his disciples' feet He tells them: "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do." Now very few of us go around washing feet in our daily lives or even on Holy Thursdays? What are we supposed to be doing? It is not just literally washing feet that we are supposed to be about; we have Jesus' example of compassion, forgiveness and love alive in our memories. By our lives, we are called to keep his dangerous memory alive in the world. Dorothy Day once wrote: "To be a witness (to Christ) does not consist in engaging in propaganda, or even stirring people up, but in being a living mystery; it means to live in such a way that one's life would not make sense if God did not exist." May we live our lives in such a way that is it clear to the world that God exists, that God loves us, because we live our lives in memory of him.

Lord, help us to live You in our lives.

Eternal Father, I offer You everything I do this day; my thoughts, words, joys and sufferings. Grant that, vivified by the Holy Spirit and united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my life this day may be of service to You and to others. I also pray that all those preparing for marriage discover in Sacrament the source of Christ's grace for living a fithful and fruitful love. Amen.

That many young people may hear the call of Christ and follow him in the priesthood and religious life.

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