Jesus has risen from dead! This is indeed good news. Yet, the world is still far from perfect. Today, we hear that the disciples have locked themselves in a room out of fear.
Jesus comes to them in the midst of their fears. Instead of being angry at them, he gives them what they need - peace. Although they are far from perfect, Jesus chooses them to continue his mission. He gives them the gift of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit chooses to bless different people with different gifts. Every gift, however, is meant for the common good and for the building up of community.
We have received the same Holy Spirit. We too are blessed with gifts. We may have questions, doubts or even fears. Jesus willingly meets us in the midst of these. He invites us to trust deeply in the Spirit that is now with us.
This solemnity of Pentecost is an opportunity to reflect. It is an opportunity to ask the Spirit to take away my fears. It is a chance to ask the Spirit to help me see more clearly the gifts God has given me. It is a chance to ask the Spirit for courage to use these gifts more fully for the good of others.
Lord, help me not to be pressured by fear, but rather, guided by Your Spirit.