A note on Matthew 13:3 in The New American Bible tells us that the word "parable" primarily designates stories that are illustrative comparisons between Christian truth and events of everyday life. There were no more common events in Jesus' lifetime than the the sowing of seed and harvesting. For Jesus these events paralleled the different reactions to his words and actions.
What more common events have we today than the all-pervading activities of television and the other means of mass communication? The media and associated advertising threaten to take over all our non-working, non-sleeping hours. Unless we guard ourselves against those rapacious birds they will eat up any other message but their own.
Violent persecution may not affect us personally, but the fear of looking stodgy or old fashioned or narrow minded by media standards might frighten us away from independent, decent, honourable living. Somewhat similarly the vast quantity of attractive goods pushed relentlessly and skillfully by advertising could, almost unnoticed, make a simple modest way of living seem unappealing and almost anti-social.
Fortunately, not all we see and hear on the media stifle our desires for a Christian way of life. More often than not one would expect a refreshing and inspiring media production which stirs up desires for something more Christ like.
Heavenly Father, may we come to know You better through a discerning enjoyment of the media.