"The mother of Jesus was there." She is the first to discover that they ‘had run out of wine' for the wedding guests. Mary counts on the resourcefulness of her Son, when she turns to him with: They have no more wine! To his: ‘my hour has not come yet', her faith transcends all human reasonings, tells the servants: "Do whatever he tells you."
Faith is not just in belief systems or dogmas and doctrines, as we have often made it out to be. The Word of God is very clearly telling us ... if you do not do it, you, in fact do not believe it and have not heard it. We only become convinced of our own power, dignity and the power of God by actually doing it - by crossing a line, which the Mother of Jesus did - a line that has a certain degree of nonsensicalness and unprovability to it. Our lifestyle issues ask much more than belief systems, we have engineered within ourselves:
Jesus (Jn.1:26) "as One among you whom you do not know" himself does not ‘draw' the wine. It's the servants, who do "whatever he tells you", the diakoni who pour out the water, now turned into wine!
We, who are called into service also need to ‘do whatever he tells you'.
Lord may we hear Your word and live it as Mary did.