"... seeing Jesus, the leper fell on his face and implored him..” (Lk. 5:12) The healing was instantaneous. The power of faith, expressed by the leper's faith, "Sir, if you want to, you can cure me!” draws from Jesus, the heartfelt response: "I will, be clean!” The power of the Spirit with which Jesus is endowed, brings about the healing, and as a result the leper is re-instated into the society that had hitherto shunned him because of his dreaded illness. God's love for humanity is intense: "I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” That is the good news we have not accepted yet and that is what makes our faith weak.
Jesus' power attracts the the attention of the crowd; but fame was not Jesus' aim. He slips away into the solitude of the wilderness, to commune with the Father. His relentless quest was to do the will of his Father.
We can get distracted by all that crowds our daily lives; many of which are unimportant. It's only by relating our active ministry/job, whatever we need to do, with a prayerful withdrawal, to commune with God, that we become solidly grounded in God. The inner peace and strength that results from this communion is a booster to our faith.
Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the message of eternal life.