"This is the nation which does not listen to the voice of God." God addressed these words to Israel through the prophet Jeremiah. But God's word is relevant for all ages and so we may reflect: of how many nations in the modern world could these words be said? The Lord continued: "Faithfulness has vanished; the word itself has vanished from their speech."
We are encouraged to reflect often on the quality of our spiritual life. So, too, without any self-righteousness, we should reflect on the quality of life experienced on many levels by our contemporaries: the quality of our political lives, the quality of our social lives, the quality of our moral lives. Where does truth enter? How does truth guide us? The word itself of justice, truth, integrity, fidelity, humanity and urbanity - all these words have greatly vanished from many levels of our declining civilization.
Is this too dark a picture? We believe in humanity because we believe in God. Let us, then, make sure that the word which God speaks in our heart and conscience may never vanish from our speech, from our personal, family, social and ecclesial lives.
Heavenly Father, as your word took flesh in Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world, may Your truth and fidelity guide us all in all things.