At the time of Jesus' passion, Peter was afraid. It was terrifying for him even to be associated with Jesus. Today, however, we see a different Peter. He is someone who has met the Risen Lord. He has received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Now, Peter speaks with wisdom, courage and confidence. He is not afraid to tell others about Jesus.
Today, when Jesus appears to the disciples, he says to them, "Do not be afraid." He wants them to be his messengers but first he wants to embolden them.
Jesus knows that we are often tempted in life to make decisions out of fear. It may be a fear of failing, of not being accepted by others or of losing something valuble.
The Risen Lord was with the disciples, even amidst their fears. He is now with us. Our lives do not have to be led by fear. We can express our fears to the Risen Lord and let him meet us, even amidst these fears.
We are invited to ask the Lord for his courage and confidence. This boldness may be expressed in public speaking, in silent acts of kindness or simply standing with someone in need...each a witness to Christ.
Lord, embolden me. May my words and deeds today lead someone closer to You.