The heart of Jesus beats according to the glorious plan which God has had from all eternity. The Sacred Heart of the Son of God is the site of God's love and mercy for us sinners - the utter fullness of God.
The heart of the Son of God is a heart of flesh. His heart recoils from harshness and destruction. His heart springs up to life. It's so warm and delicate that infants press their faces against it and rest in its tenderness.
The heart of Jesus is meek and gentle. Our God of humility invites us to shoulder his yoke and learn from him. (Mt 11:29)
The heart of Jesus is wounded, pierced through by our sins. Yet the blood that flows from his Sacred Heart redeems us and the water washes us clean and quenches our thirst. The love in the heart of the Son makes it possible that we can offer back to God what is acceptable to God.
The heart of Jesus teaches love. May we be drawn always to his Sacred Heart. May we learn to see Christ in our neighbour.
May God be blessed!