The awareness of the countless signs God gave to the Israelites, the chosen people of God since the Old Testament Exodus and throughout their life journey, helps us establish and live the Christian way of life relevant at all times i.e "...... to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with God." (Mic. 6:8).
In the Gospel reading, the scribes and the pharisees demanded a sign from Jesus. They were looking for a sign that would legitimate and authenticate Jesus' messianic claim.
Obviously, Jesus did not have to work miracles to prove His identity but talked about the sign of Jonah only. These scribes and Pharisees did not have the sincerity of the people of Nineveh or Queen of the South who benefitted from the wisdom of Solomon. Jesus knew their stubbornness and refused to respond to their request. Their sin was much serious as they failed to recognize Jesus as the one who was greater than Jonah and Solomon.
Their indifference to want to find God, the true life, can be considered as their sin against the Holy Spirit. Such lukewarm attitude towards the gift of our faith is tantamount to the emptiness or uncommitment we will experience. Our works of piety must be accompanied by deeds or actions of love/charity.
"Lord, grant us the graces to experience You in our daily life so that we may Act justly, Love tenderly and Walk humbly with You."