The common theme that runs through the readings and psalm today is true worship, that is, the kind of worship God desires from His people. In the first reading, Isaiah calls the leaders of Judea as "rulers of Sodom" and the people as "people of Gomorrah". This is in reference to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah which were destroyed by fire from heaven for their corruption (Gen. 19). The prophet then reminds the people that God is not pleased with the constant ritual of animal sacrifices and prefers a ritual of washing, which symbolises repentance and purification. In addition, a ritual has to lead to meaningful action. As such, what matters is also how they treat the poor and marginalised in society.
The psalm takes up this theme too. The people gathered in the Temple for worship are reminded that they are judged not by their animal sacrifices and offerings, but by how faithful they remain to the Covenant, and the commandments of the Lord. The Lord desires not food from sacrifices, but the freely given responses of the people. In the Gospel passage, Jesus reminds the Jews that true worship is not about flashy displays of piety or the desire for honorific titles and positions, but serving God in humility.
What then is true worship to you? Are you contented to go to church and offer 'sacrifices' to please God? Or does worship of God lead you to show love and compassion for others, towards repentance and change, and towards humble service for God's people? Lent is an ideal time to reflect on this.
Lord, help me worship You truly.