St. Athanasius is a Church Father who lived in the 4th Century and contributed much to our understanding of Jesus' identity. Athanasius explained that Jesus is not created by God (like you, I or any creature), but rather is equal to God the Father. In other words, the Son is God and always existed.
Although we may take this for granted today, the idea that Jesus is God was surprising and even controversial for many people.
Today's Gospel from John Chapter 6 touches on this. Jesus has miraculously fed 5,000 people with bread. However, the people do not seem satisfied. They ask for a further sign.
Jesus responds by pointing to his identity. He says, "I am the bread of life" (Jn. 6:35). It is a simple but profound statement. Jesus uses the words 'I am' to echo God's words to Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:14). Jesus reveals that he is God.
With this phrase Jesus goes beyond mutliplying loaves. Jesus reveals that he himself is what will nourish people...and nourish them forever. Only God can do this.
Jesus desires to feed people physically, but even more, to satisfy our deepest hungers. For what do I hunger most in life?
Lord Jesus, I believe you are God. May you fulfil the deepest hunger of my heart.