Elisha is taken aback by the surprise gesture of Elijah--instituting him as a prophet and transferring his mission over to Elisha. He wonders only for a moment whether he should say his "good-bye" to his family, which Elijah gives him the freedom to do! But only for a moment! Elisha immediately slaughters his oxen and burns up his plough: the source of his livelihood! What a "yes" to God's invitation? There were no "buts" or "what if " ....not even a hint of a "NO". Such should our response be as true disciples of Jesus.
Our "yes" should make us totally available to God and God's Word in mission.
God's call always comes as a complete surprise: it is really his choice whom he wishes to call! We least expect it! But whatever the circumstances, let our "yes" be total and unwavering to his will: and our "NO" to all that distracts us from from the mission to which we are called be a total "NO"!
There is no compromise in doing his will and so let our prayer be in tune with all that we set out to do:
You are my one only inheritance O Lord!