Today's Gospel was about the conflict Jesus had with the Pharisees and Scribes on the question of Fasting. Unlike the disciples of John the Baptist and the Pharisees, the disciples of Jesus did not fast. This is to be understood in the light of the new phase of salvation inaugurated by Jesus which is the wedding feast. Jesus is the bridegroom and the disciples are His attendants.
Jesus' attitude expressed in v.35 is the basis of the custom of fasting in the early Church.
Fasting needs to be motivated out of love for Jesus and His Kingdom. Taking the analogy of the new wine in new wineskin, Jesus wanted to show the new reality of the reign of God and not the old ceremonial piety. In v.39, Jesus said, "the old is good" is an ironic comment. Like the Pharisees if we cling on to the old ways, we will be prevented from experiencing the newness of salvation Jesus offers us. Are we ready to 'let go' of the old and welcome the new?
As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be stewards who should be found worthy of His trust as we are reminded in the first reading. How are we to be trustworthy if we are not ready to welcome the new that challenges us to new way of life. This is an important aspect of our discipleship.
"Lord, continue to teach and show us your new way of life and grant us the Inner freedom to accept such challenges."