Is our everyday life one of monotony or expectancy? Do we live one day after another just resigning to its difficulties without expecting God to intervene?
The passages from Isaiah, the Psalm and the Gospel reading give us hope of a God Who does miracles. Yes, the people have sinned during Isaiah's time and God's judgment is upon them - but God will redeem them. What would be the signs of this redemption? "The eyes of the blind shall be opened, the ears of the deaf unsealed ... the lame shall leap like a deer and the tongues of the dumb sing for joy ..." (Is. 35:5-6). Psalm 146 (which exhorts us to trust in God) proclaims that "it is the Lord Who gives sight to the blind" (Ps. 146: 8). And in the Gospel reading, Jesus, as the Messianic Redeemer heals a deaf and dumb man.
The miracles we read in Isaiah, in the Psalm, and in the Gospel of Mark - can they still happen in our age and time? Or have we come to live in such a way not to expect them?
Is there any difficulty in your life right now that you feel is crushing you? Why not ask God for a miracle in your life? Remember what the Psalmist say - "It is the Lord Who keep faith for ever, Who is just to those who are oppressed ... Who raises up those who are bowed down ... Who loves the just ..." (Ps. 146:6-8).
Lord, help me to be rich in faith.