It is easier to trust what we can see, what we can touch. Yet today Jeremiah invites us to look deeper. The person who trusts in human beings is like a bush in the desert, its resources are limited. The person who trusts in God is like a tree beside a stream, it has access to abundant life. Yet trusting in God is not easy.
This is the challenge of the Beatitudes. "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God" (Lk 6:20). Poverty can be scary, we can easily notice what we do not have. Yet, Jesus invites us to see something deeper. If we are willing to accept a life that involves simple beauty, gives us what we need to be joyful, a life where God is nearby, then we do not need to chase the latest fashions, gadgets or foods. We are free.
The Beatitudes invite us to find our security in God rather than people or things. They invite us to trust in God's personal care. If we dare to take this risk in God, surprisingly...we receive more than we imagined.
In what area of my life do I need to trust God more deeply?
Lord, may You provide for my needs today. I rely on Your care for me.