"Who do people say the Son of Man is?" The opinions expressed on Jesus' identity are much divided. Some suggested him as John the Baptist risen from the dead; others Elijah, the fore-runner to the Messiah and Jeremiah as one of the prophets. Yet Jesus wanted to know what his disciples think about him when he asked them: "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." This double recognition by Peter became an occasion for the 'Beatitudes' and 'new' name, given to Peter as the Heavenly Father had revealed this truth to him.
In v.19, the metaphors 'rock' and then 'keys' are referred. In the Old testament, 'to give the keys' means to bestow authority. In receiving 'the keys of the kingdom', Peter became the steward of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth which is the permanent character of the steward's work. So stewardship and leadership in the community is based on the kind of fidelity shown by Peter.
In the first reading, Peter spelt out the qualities of a leader. Being with Jesus from the early days of his ministry, Peter was truly a witness to Jesus' suffering and Peter bore notable witness to this in his own suffering.
The image of the 'shepherd of God's flock', 'as overseers' and as 'elders' refer to that of the leaders of Israel. Peter also cautioned that a leader is not to lord it over others. Pope Francis has often reiterated this in our services in the Church.
On this Feast of the Chair of Peter, Lord, grant us the graces to know the call to leadership as one of service.