In Scripture, mountains are often a place of encounter with God. On the mountain people discover more about God and about themsleves. Today, for an instant, the glory of Jesus is revealed to Peter, James and John. In a flash it is clear that Jesus is not only a human being - he is the Son of God. What was veiled suddenly becomes clear. God is right here.
The Transfiguration is about seeing reality more clearly.
God desires each one us to see Jesus more clearly. These days of Lent are an invitation to explore this gift. How? God the Father says: "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him" (Luke 9:35).
Lent is a chance to ask God for the grace to see Jesus more hear his voice more distinctly.
Yet, the Lord's presence is often subtle. His voice is sometimes quiet. So, how can I recognize Jesus in my daily life? Jesus' voice and presence bring peace to the heart. When Jesus is near, like the disciples we suddenly this moment it is good to be here, I am not alone.
Have I ever felt the Lord present at my side? How did I recognize Jesus' presence?
Lord, help me to see You more clearly. Lord, I yearn to hear Your voice.