Prophet Haggai is described as one of the Minor Prophets; his one goal is to spur the Israelites to begin the rebuilding of the "Temple of Yahweh."
Haggai assigns poor harvests and drought, to God's withholding favour while the Israelites are taken up with busyness in tending to their own matters and neglecting those of the Lord.
Perhaps there is a message therein for us too! In many parts of the globe, we are experiencing one weather disaster after another: hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and fires! The result is that they leave much destruction in their paths. In other places the weather has topped high temperatures and the effects of climate change keeps creating havoc in many places. Looking at the economic and political climate, signs of "God's disfavour" are all too obvious. Or are we in fact reaping what we ourselves have sown?
"Consider your ways!" says the Lord through the prophet Haggai.
Look at our Pollution control for the sake of short-term economic goals or the trafficking of human beings for the basest of uses and slavery. These contribute to the increase of slaves numbering 28 million in the world today.
If we ponder Haggai's call "Consider our ways!" What do we find? What's to be done?
Lord, touch our hearts with Your love, move us to repent and bring hope to our wounded world.