"Let us go, too, and die with him". When Thomas said this in responding to Jesus' suggestion that they go back to Judaea, it may be that it strikes the average reader as somewhat cynical.
Thomas was rather a complex character. He is often called "doubting Thomas" but seeing his role in key moments in the Gospel of John, we may consider that designation as somewhat simplistic.
Along with the other Apostles, Thomas had heard Jesus speak of taking up one's cross and following him. It is not likely that they understood the full implication of Jesus words immediately; indeed, they were quite often somewhat puzzled by Jesus' words.
Jesus often spoke in parables and metaphors, but always with a direct or indirect teaching on the meaning of discipleship; especially the relation of the disciples with himself. We may surmise, then, that Thomas had a sudden insight into what Jesus' meant by "taking up one's cross". Rather than a cynical response to Jesus, Thomas' words can express a deep understanding of the meaning of taking up one's cross and following him, even to death.
Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to carry whatever cross that life lays on our shoulder so that we may follow you until death and so die, blessed by Your presence, mercy and peace.