"Let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him" (Heb.10:22). In today's first reading, we hear the comforting words that "He Who made the promise deserves our trust." Because of this sincerity and confidence in the Promise-Maker, we are freed to do the deeds of love.
The Gospel is a beautiful encouragement for us today. Jesus frees us from some form of false humility which would keep us from letting our little light shine. We have been given gifts, and they are now to be brought out and seen and heard. We are gifts, lights, meant to be seen and reveal the Giver of all good things.
"Let those who have ears, let them hear." Our faith gives us the ears to hear, and His Grace provides us with the confidence needed to reveal Him in our good works by letting His light shine through our lives as it happened to St Thomas Aquinas.
So, the measure we give out in love and forgiveness the more will we be given and besides! It is the economy of God to give grace more to those who live gracefully and to those who have the ears to hear who God says we are.
St Thomas Aquinas, the great teacher, was given the insight that God is the ultimate initiator of everything. As we listen to God, he will guide us in the way we "walk."
"Lord, grant us the grace to rely on Your Holy Spirit to help us live out our Christian responsibility in the society we live in."