The story of the sacrifice of Isaac should upset and disturb us. What sort of God asks someone to kill their own child, and what sort of parent is willing to do so?
The story comes to us from long ago when human sacrifice was still practised. Fortunately, the story has a good ending, and it is clear that God never intended to allow Isaac's death.
God wanted to test Abraham's trust and faith. God will never ask us to do such a thing. But we are often asked to demonstrate our absolute trust in other ways. Are we willing to step out into the unknown, try new things, begin new journeys, and let go of both possessions and our sense of security?
Some objected when Jesus healed a paralytic by telling him his sins were forgiven. But he insisted that healing and forgiveness of sins came from God, so the words he used made no difference.
As one with divine authority, Jesus was able to do both. Jesus has mastery over our own health struggles and our inner spiritual life. Often the two are interconnected. But the reply of Jesus to us will always be, 'Take up your mat and walk.'
Lord, deepen my trust in You