What if we were granted one wish? Many might wish and pray for money, success, or power. Solomon knew what to pray for - wisdom, which is the art of living and judging correctly.
The truly wise person is a gift to others, and there are too few in our world. We are drowning in factual knowledge but are deficient in wisdom. So, we know what to pray for!
The Word of God comes in many forms: creation, poetry, music, art, holy people, scriptures, and Jesus himself. The Word is the dynamic and creative will of God active in the world. When we encounter it, we are transformed. It strips us of all that is false and ungodly and lifts us out of ourselves.
The rich young man must have prayed for wealth. He sincerely wanted to please God and inherit eternal life, but he was attached to his wealth. Jesus didn't condemn his wealth - he merely told him to get rid of it because he could give the man something of far greater value: treasure in heaven. It helps to let go of whatever holds us back or distracts us from our desire to follow in the Lord's footsteps.
Lord, grant me, Your grace and love.