The Mosaic Law demands the Jews to keep the Sabbath holy by not working on this day. Simple tasks, like tying or untying a knot, sowing seeds or threshing, could not be performed on a Sabbath, let alone giving a helping hand to someone in need.
On a Sabbath, Jesus and His disciples walked through a cornfield; they plucked heads of grain, rubbed them in their hands, and ate them. Some Pharisees judged these actions, which constitute the work of 'threshing', thus violating the Mosaic Law.
Jesus responded that David and his companions also broke the sacred rules when they were hungry by entering the house of God and eating the consecrated bread meant for priests.
Working to feed ourselves when we are hungry, even on a Sabbath, is not the issue, so Jesus said: "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath". Jesus reveals who He really is and affirms that God is the sole source of the Holiness of the Sabbath.
In their display of wealth, some Corinthians (1 Cor 4:6b-15) were more self-reliant, arrogant in their judgement and even seemed embarrassed by Paul and the Apostles living in poverty and under persecution for Christ's sake and thought to be scum by the world.
However, Paul insists that only God can judge him.
Let my mouth speaks the praise of the Lord and bless His holy name!