For the last two weeks, the Gospel reading from St John has been painting a picture of growing hostility to Jesus, suggesting even the possibility of deadly assault. Today we witness a drama which contains elements of acceptance and rejection of Jesus.
The Gospel opens in a warm atmosphere created by Jesus washing the disciples' feet. In His remarks on this loving action, Jesus holds out to His disciples that they could join Him in similar acts of humble, loving service.
Suddenly, however, anxiety and even fear begin to intrude on the atmosphere of love and trust. It is almost as if Jesus can no longer control an underlying feeling of horror at a major act of treachery that is about to occur. When the fatal first step is taken, John writes, "It was night" - a night of dark evil. For a moment, even in the presence of Christ the Light, darkness prevailed. It even deepened for a moment as Peter is warned that he, too, will walk in the darkness of treachery until the love of his master overwhelms him again.
However, the dark cloud is lifted with Jesus' words, "Do not let your hearts be troubled" - The disciples will be strengthened to follow Him to the end. Even if we were to follow Peter's steps briefly, by God's grace, we would never go the whole way with Judas. We will say with Peter in loving apology.
"Lord, You know all things. You know that I love You."