Today's Scripture text is about treasures. Jesus contrasts the perishable earthly treasures and the imperishable heavenly treasures. Then he reflects on the relationship between one's treasures and the heart. 'Treasures' here means those savings held in reserve rather than something that is loved.
Nowadays, individuals take charge of their own reserves. But the community expression of saving for rainy days and hoarding things for a 'secure future' can be dangerously blurry. People can become overly concerned about a secure future and forget that God provides.
How do I relate to 'treasures' - Do I let my reserve impose on me a certain lifestyle? Or do I weigh my self-worth against the success of my savings or the fruits of my action? Do I still identify with God the Father, or am I serving a new master?
How does Jesus look at treasures? He tells me to store my treasures with God (v. 19) and invites me to believe in Providence. He also says, 'For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be' (v21). In the Jewish culture, the heart is where judgement and decisions are made. Freedom of the heart makes possible evangelical poverty and disinterested action in which there is no attachment to the fruits of action.
Lord Jesus, let my heart always imitate Your humility and compassion. May God be blessed!