Today's Letter to the Hebrews reading exhorts us to "continue to love each other, remember to welcome strangers and to keep in mind those who are in prison." It clearly reminds us never to repeat the inhumane treatment of St John the Baptist by Herod, who had him imprisoned and beheaded.
However, our focus is not on the details surrounding the death of John the Baptist. It is a tragic story fit for a TV drama series. The key to understanding this account is the strange acclamation by Herod on hearing about Jesus' words and deeds: "It is John whose head I cut off; he has risen from the dead"! Is it guilt? Or is there more to it?
St. Mark stresses Jesus' message that the kingdom of God is already here and now, and that Jesus is the Son of God, sent by God to save us by His life. St. Mark narrated how He is perceived and believed, fulfilling the purpose of His coming.
St. John the Baptist, as described by prophet Isaiah "Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare the way (cf. Mark 1:2-5)", set in motion Jesus' mission to proclaim God's reign. St. John the Baptist's death ushers in the path Jesus will also undertake. But Jesus will be lifted up from the dead, as ironically foretold by Herod. Our resolve is to follow Jesus, our eternal high priest. This is our calling and destiny too.
Dear Lord, thank you for saving me from corrupt intent and evil actions.