In today's first reading the prophet Ezra speaks about the Jews' return from exile in Babylon. When they were first taken into exile it must have been the darkest moment of their lives and for some it must have been the end of everything. It was difficult for them to imagine that one day they would be returning to their homeland. Yet, their exile was the time of great religious revival among them. Sometimes it needs a tragedy to remind us that there is a God who cares for us.
On our journey through life, no matter what may happen to us, we need continually to put our trust and faith in the Lord. It is easy to trust in God when everything is going well for us like it was with the Jews before the exile. But to still trust Him when everything seems dark as it was when the Jews were in exile is not easy.
Trusting does not mean having no doubts and no questions. When the Jews were in exile they must have questioned and doubted what the prophets told them. How do we handle the doubts and questions that come our way? Do we see them as ways to growth?
Let us pray for strength. May we in times of darkness, hold on, like the Jews, to what we believe in. Through our questions and doubts, may we also come to a better understanding of who God is in our lives. Let us also pray for others who are presently going through times of darkness; that like the Jews they too may not give up but rediscover God.
Lord, I place my trust in You.